Canopy storage and related fluxes are calculated based on section 4.2 of Müller Schmied et al 2021 [1].
Water balance#
The canopy storage \(S_c\) \([mm]\) is calculated as:
where \(P\) is precipitation \([mm/d]\), \({P}_{t}\) is throughfall, the fraction of \(P\) that reaches the soil \([mm/d]\) and \({E}_{c}\) is evaporation from the canopy \([mm/d]\).
Canopy storage is also a function of land area fraction.
Daily precipitation \(P\) is read in from the selected climate forcing (see Climate Forcing in Data section).
Throughfall \(P_t\) is calculated as
where \({S_c}_{,max}\) is the maximum canopy storage calculated as:
where \(m_c\) is 0.3 mm [2], and \(L [-]\) is the oneside leaf area index. \(L\) is a function of daily temperature and precipitation and is limited to minimum or maximum values. Maximum \(L\) values per land cover class (Table C1 in Müller Schmied et al. 2021) [1], whereas minimum \(L\) values are calculated as:
where \({f_d}_{,lc}\) is the fraction of deciduous plants and \({c_e}_{,lc}\) is the reduction factor for evergreen plants per land cover type (Table C1) [1]. See Lead Area Index section under API reference for leaf Area index calculation.
Canopy evaporation \(E_c\) following Deardorff (1978) [2], is calculated as:
where \({S_c}\) \([mm]\) is the canopy storage, calculated in canopy storage under Outflows and \({S_c}_{,max}\) \([mm]\) is the maximum canopy storage.
See Radiation and Evapotranspiration section for potential evaporation calculation.